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Lucio Fontana at the Met Breuer


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Lucio Fontana at the Met Breuer

Talin Kraft

To me, Lucio Fontana’s works are about exploring the hidden parts of the psyche. We all have some darker depths, forever unseen, and sometimes it takes a trauma or a shock (“the cut”) to reveal something about ourselves, something that we didn’t realize on a conscious level.

Another, somewhat related, idea I see in his art is that reality is a lot bigger than our habitual slice of it. That we normally live in our usual space (like a monochrome, 2-dimensional canvas), but it only takes one action, one step to change this. One slice - and your world gains depth, gains another color, your reality changes forever. It could be painful though, and it will not heal.

Another interesting aspect of this exhibition was the presence of his ceramic sculptures - some free-form, others figurative, many with holes. It shows the range of his experiments even more than his canvases.